Witmer Family Website Discussion
Thursday, February 24, 2005
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As many of you know, I've struggled, to keep the comments section of the Witmer Family Website Spam free. I've also lost all the messages on more than one occasion when I had to republish the website. By linking to this "Blog Spot" the website is taking the next step in it's evolution. Please continue to post, your comments and encouragement are important to us.
Just Click on the "Post A Comment" link, on the right, to leave your message. You can read comments by clicking on the same link. You do not need a password ...just select "Other" or "Anonymous" as your Login.

Thanks.... John Witmer
Glad to see the next steps underway. I'm sorry you had such a problem with Spam. That's a shame. I hope you and your family are well and my thoughts remain with you.
thank you for continuing to share Michelle with us--and also thank you John, for sharing the grieving process....I cannot explain in words how much it has touched my heart--and encouraged me. Know that you and your family are in my thoughts and prayers.
your sister n Christ.
I am sorry for your loss of Michelle. I know the memories of Michelle are in your minds for ever. Since 1979 I have lost my father Patrick Haig on 11/12/1979, grandfather Alphonse Sachi on 11/28/1983, uncle James Martin on 5/11/1987, grandmother Ruth Sachi 7/3/1993, aunt Patricia Martin on 11/4/1998 and a cousin James Guschl on 4/2/2004.
Thank goodness Rachel and Charity didnt have to go back.I was so worried that theyd be targeted by insurgents if they did. My thoughts and prayers are with you:)
Witmer Family,

It does my heart good to see that you are all still being so positive. Something so tragic happened, and you are all reaching out to the world. To let us heal with you, and to let us know that you are OK.

I keep you all close in good thoughts, and I pray that God will give you strength and guidance to heal. Thank you for letting us be on this journey with you.

Always thankful,
Hello, my name is Ashley and I am from South Carolina. I did not know your daughter but when doing a women studies paper on Women in the Military, I came across women who were killed in the line of duty. I read about your daughter and I found it very touching. We are the same age and to see her and all of these women participating and to know what they are doing over seas makes me proud to be a woman and an American. Your web site touched me deeply and your families love is very inspiring. Thank you for sharing you story and you and your family will always be in my thoughts. Thank you again.
I am so sorry for your loss she gave her live for us.My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family
Dear Witmer Family,
I came across your site. I heard on the news about Michelle on the news. I am also a Witmer (born and raised) so I dont know if we could be related or not. I would be proud to so I am related to your branch of the Witmer family. Thank you and God Bless!
I am truly sorry for your loss.

To quote Abraham Lincoln:

Letter to Mrs. Bixby:
Executive Mansion, Washington, Nov. 21, 1864

Dear Madam,

I have been shown in the files of the War Department a statement of the Adjutant-General of Massachusetts, that you are the mother of five sons who have died gloriously on the field of battle.

I feel how weak and fruitless must be any words of mine which should attempt to beguile you from the grief of a loss so overwhelming. But I cannot refrain from tendering to you the consolation that may be found in the thanks of the Republic they died to save.

I pray that our Heavenly Father may assuage the anguish of your bereavement, and leave you only the cherished memory of the loved and lost, and the solemn pride that must be yours, to have laid so costly a sacrifice upon the altar of Freedom. Yours, very sincerely and respectfully,

Abraham Lincoln


Your lost loved one has my deepest respect for sacrificing herself for our freedoms.
Wish you all well. Your family is in our prayers!
Matt, Brandie & Cooper Witmer
Orlando, FL
I just wanted to let the Witmer family know that as the anniversary of Michelle's death approaches, that she is still in my thoughts and prayers as well as all of her family is.

I can't decide if I am dreading Saturday or if I welcome it. I am dreading it because it will be one year since Michelle walked this earth, since those who loved her could hold her in their arms, since her beautiful smile was seen. But I welcome it as a time to just remember her. I want to cry at our loss. I want to think about her all day long. I want to kneel at her grave and shed tears remembering the special girl and woman she was.

Witmers...I am praying so hard for you. Each day brings us closer to April 9, 2005 and the thoughts of all that means overwhelm me. I pray that God will hold all of you close. That he will sustain you through this "anniversary." And that somehow inspite of the humongous hole wrenched in your hearts, your lives, your family, you will be able to find a way to continue.

I love you all.
To Michelle's family
It's been a while since we have written, you have been in our thoughts and prayers often and have not been forgotten. I believe tomorrow will be a very difficult day for you and how I wish I had some words of comfort.
I want to thank you again for giving me the opportunity to provide a home for Michelle's puppy. Charlotte has grown into a 60 pound fuzz ball. She is so full of love and energy I know Michelle would be very pleased with her.
I will send pictures soon.
God Bless
Dear Witmer's,

Thank you for sharing your story and Michelle's life. I pray that God will be with you and help you through tomorrow. You will be in my thoughts and prayers. You have done a wonderful job celebrating Michelle's life through your website. I hope you continue to do so. God bless you all.



Anniversaries of this nature are difficult,I feel for your family on this day.My roommate of 4 years (boarding school) was murdered in Iraq in March 99,whilst conducting landmine clearing operations between Iraq/Iran.Of course it was a shock for me to learn of this,and they say grown men are not supposed to cry....so much for that.However,after time passes,what you have left is good memories and the realisation that you were fortunate to have known the person,whilst they were on this earth.I hope that in time,as your grief passes,you will find peace and comfort from the fact that you had Michelle for 19 years,and now she is free from all the problems and struggles of life.You will never forget her,and she will live on forever in your hearts,you will have the good memories and your love for her,forever.I have not looked at your website,for some time,but thankyou for sharing your thoughts with others,and keeping folks abreast with how your family is doing,I know there are a lot of people out there thinking of your family at this time.
Dear Witmers,

I remembered the significance of today's date and I wanted to take a moment to thank you for keeping this website going in Michelle's memory. Your words have helped the many who go through the grief that you are experiencing, but they have also helped us begin to heal. May God always Bless your family, Michelle and our soldiers still deployed overseas.

When you are sorrowful look again in your heart, and you shall see that in truth you are weeping for that which has been your delight. ~Kahlil Gibran
Last weekend, I was in the DC with friends and was able to see the "Faces of the Fallen" memorial. I found Michelle out of the hundereds of faces on the wall and I said a prayer for you and your family. I heard about your daughter when she was killed and never forgot about her and your family.
Dear Witmer Family,

I am truly sorry for your loss and am happy for you your other daughters decided to stay at home.

I do not want to be insenitive, but I have a situation where my husband is being deployed and - his brother was not killed in service, but he was permanently 100% disabled - is having difficulty in filing for 'surviving son' status. I was wondering if you could share with me the circumstances (regulations filed) that allowed your daughters to chose to not return to Iraq? Was this something the military offered or did you have to file paperwork?

This is urgent and I am hoping you respond quickly.

I wish you all the best.

I feel for your loss, but i didnt believe everything people were telling me about what was going on over the loss of one individual in the national guard. as i spent 16 months in iraq and watched numerous soldiers get incinerated by car bombs and rpg's i didnt hear anything about them getting memorials, or their parents trying to use the death of their son as a means to get 15 minutes of fame. a soldier does his job without expecting or asking anything iin return. ive noticed something, everytime a female dies there's a big deal about it. when a soldier dies it isnt news, its just another guy. it sickens me the extent that your family has used the death of your daughter for attention. a bust, a memorial drive these things are unnecessary. after you read this you will probably delete it, because you,like everyone always comes to the realization that the truth hurts. I have the name of 5 great soldiers who dies in my taskforce while deployed, maybe you can help get roads named after them. but of course, they wouldnt want this because serving their country was reward enough
I did not delete the comment from "anonymous," above, though the tone is harsh, because the writer expresses many of the negative comments we have received in the past. I would like to, once again, go on the record.

First and foremost, "Is Michelle entitled to the recognition she has received?" Michelle did not ask to be the first female National Guard member to be killed in Combat (not first in the state, not first in this conflict, the first in the history of the National Guard.) Her death is historically significant. That's just the way it is. However, if her death were not of historical significance,I, like any parent, would do everything I could to have her remembered. That doesn't take away from the sacrifices of other soliders and their families. It shouldn't be a "zero-sum game." By this I mean honoring one soldier should not diminish the the sacrifice of others and I don't feel it does. In fact, every time a fallen soldier is honored, we honor all the fallen.

If you follow logic,of the writer of the comment above, we should knock down The Korean War Memorial, the Viet Nam War Memorial and all the other war Memorials in DC.

I'm not sure if he is against honoring any fallen soldier or just female fallen soldiers. In any case, if he really respects his five fallen buddies, he should do everything he can to honor their memories. We honor them by remembering. Never forget them.
Dear Witmer Family,

My name is Amy Hill and I am the Deputy Director of the US Army Women's Museum at Fort Lee, Virginia. We are putting together a memorial tribute to the fallen female soldiers in current operations for our reunion next week. I have "borrowed" a couple of the photos off of your wonderful site, but was wondering if you had a higher resolution scan of a photo you would most prefer to have diplayed next to Michelle's name. Please contact me back at hilla2@lee.army.mil, or 804-734-4184. Thank you very sincerely and God bless you and your family.


Amy K. Hill
Dear Lori John, and family,
I hope you received the book . Although emotional it speaks of the true realities of the war. You are in my heart and in my thoughts. Your daughter had a special sense about her. I can tell by all accounts that I have read.
With sincerity,
Nancy Reuben
charity, I have wondered how to express my grieving that sarah and I did for michelle, but I know that what we felt was nothing compared to you. You will always be a twin in our eyes because you and michelle were one as we grew up together. A twin is a sacred thing that not many people understand, but we do. i am too getting married next year in august and michelle and you have been people i have thought of for a long time even before iraq. You were sarah and mine first set of twins we were friends with and our mothers shared the same profession and strong faith together for several years. We called your house but your grandmother answered and my mother and her talked for a while. I kept telling my mother that no matter what happens in your life you will be a twin to us and michelle will be with you for always.
when sarah and I are separated by god's eternal plan, we will know , like I hope you do, we will be united once again with charity and michelle our soul twin sisters
Laura and Sarah Zuelke
Dear sir

I am an Australian Special Forces Soldier who has just recently returned from iraq, and was lucky that I was only lightly wounded. I know that the words of a stranger thousands of miles away probably do not give you much solisce, but I thought I would share an expierience with you. Whilst lying in my hospital bed, a teenage Iraqi girl came up to me and sat beside me. She then clasped my hand in her's and said in very good English" Thank you so much. Thanks to you I can now go to school, and I hope to become a Doctor one day. Thank you for your sacrifice, and i pray to Allah to ease your suffering, and for the souls of all those killed , wounded and their famalies". Keep strong sir, and i know in my heart that there is a special place in heaven for your daughetr,as well as all those killed.
I have kept your website in my favorites section. I have used some of the areas on the Midwest Twinless Twin Support Group Yahoo site so that other twins and their families who have lost their twins know that they are not alone in their feelings of loss and loneliness.I have used it to refer twinless twins on how they too can have a wonderful tribute that friends and family can share.Thank you for sharing your tribute to Michelle.
Dorothy Mullen Twin to Mary
Midwest Regional Director For Twinless Twins Support Group
Witmer Family,
My big sister's best friend's husband, Nate, was with Michelle in Iraq. I know that sounds like a distant connection, and it is. I just want you to know how many people were affected by your loss and how many people are thinking about you. I think about your family a lot, and you are in my prayers.
God bless you.
Mr. and Mrs. Witmer,
I just wanted to stop by and say hello to you and let you know that Michelle is never far from my thoughts. I thought of her and your family in April, through what have been a hard time for you. I pray that God continues to hold you in His hand as you heal, and that He will bless you richly.

Proud Army Mom
God bless thy victims of human's insanity.
May the spirit of the dead stay in our heart and our brain forever.
Never forget, that's the only way to go ahead, to make the best choices.
I cry for all of us.
I smile for all of them.
Smile for her.
Dear Mr.Witmer-
This letter has been a long time in the writing. I met your girls a year ago, a few days after they returned home. At the time I too was returning from Iraq. Not knowing their circumstances for returning, I asked them how transition back to being a civilian was going (they were both in uniform at the mall, so it was clear they had just returned) . As they told me about Michelle my heart ached for your family and the 32nd MP family. I can't even begin to imagine your pain.

I have Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, and have struggled with the transition myself. The past year has brought many sleepless nights my way. Worse than the nights I lie awake, are the days that bring thousands of unwanted thoughts my way. I have begun to speak out on soldier and veteran issues, especially on topics that deal with women. There have been many times I have wanted to throw in the towel for good, and that’s when I think of Michelle and your family. When I look at the Whitmers, I see my family. There is no good way to explain why this is, so I will not try. Thank you for being so open with your struggles, you have saved my life (and I will leave it at that)
Witmer family,
You may remember me from a long time ago. My name is Justin Bowe, and I used to teach michelle and charity taekwondo at american dojo. I am currently stationed at Yokota AB Japan, an Airman in the USAF. I just wanted to let you know that Michelle inspires people in the military every day. Her sacrifice and her strength goes a long way, and not just to the army soldiers. Many soldiers, sailors, and airmen have heard about your family, and for us airmen getting ready to deploy to the desert, we only hope we can do our jobs as well, and to serve as proudly as michelle did. I got the chance to watch both girls grow from young girls to wonderful young women, and i am blessed because of it.

Please update us - we have grown to love your family and haven't heard anything from you in weeks.

God bless.
First off all I like to say that I'm really sorry for your loss.Michelle and the The Witmer family is in my thoughts.Anyways the military thing I can relate.I enlisted for the Army,but well my parents are not happy about it at all about.I tried telling my parents that enlisted because of college,but she barely talks to me when it comes to me and the military.I would like a reply.Also all of you will be on my prayers.
I am also an MP with the Army. I recently lost my battle buddy, who I spent the 18 weeks of training literally attactched to the hip with. Not only that, but I had to find out when I was overseas myself (not Iraq or Afghanistan). I can't imgaine what you all are going through completely. However, my battle buddy may not have been blood related, but she couldn't be family any less than my brother. The most ironic thing is, about a month before she died, I got the HBO's Last Letters Home book. I was most interested in Michelle (even though she wasn't the only female MP) because she reminded me so much of myself. Love and Support, Andrea Flygurl003@hotmail.com
Thank you for sharing stories with me about Michelle on the plane ride from Atlanta to Minneapolis. I'm sure I seemed rather dumb-struck when I realized the immense loss you have suffered. As long as you talk about Michelle to family, friends, and the guy in the seat next to you...she will live on. As I told you on the plane, I believe we create ripples in the lives of others...The newspapers may have moved on to the next story...but it is in people like me that are the most affected, and will remember. I hope all of the wedding plans you have ahead of you make the sun shine a little brighter for you, and the rest of your family. Again, thank you for sharing with me on that brief plane ride. -Chris
I served with your daughters in the MP company. I knew Michelle well. I went to bible study every week. About 2 months before she died, Michelle asked me if I could take her to bible study. I was very happy because I always went alone. For 2 months I had someone to walk all the way to the chapil with me, but most importantly I had someone to walk back with. We would discuss what ever the study was on that night or just life in general. Now I cherish those moments. After Michelle was killed I stopped going to bible study. I don't know if it was because I was angry at god, or because I didn't want to walk alone. I one thing for sure. Michelle is not walking alone. It took me time to realise that nobody will ever walk alone. God will walk with you, all you have to do is lend him your hand.
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I met Michele and Charity while teaching sunday school at Evergreen Church in Mpls in the early 90's when they were 8 yrs old. I remember distinctly reading them stories in acts of the new testament... and the dears, they surrounded me and each leaned a head on both my shoulders at once while I read. I melted and immediately had to meet the parents who raised such (to me actual) angels. John, Lori and the rest of the kids; Rachel, Tim and "Markey" as he was called back then, and I became pretty good friends for the Witmer's remainder of time in Chaska before moving to Milwaukee area.
Michele was a networker. She ALWAYS smiled as she introduced herself to you and found out everything about you and how you fit into her huge world. She was always excited (as many 8 yr olds are) to engage with people and find out everything about them. As John is a natural entertainer as well... she and Charity shared a great love for many musical, movie comedy, and generally funny skits, recited many from memory just for the fun of it.
I remained friends of this heavenly family even from afar since they moved from mpls and so did I - heading to Colorado. John has mentored me in my walk with Christ, I have continually learned of passion for life and others from Lori - as she is tireless. And I have always loved spending time with the kids... swimming, trampoline time, whatever it was... it was the best. Tim's brilliance and easy goingness, Rachels cute sensibility and starlike talents in song and performing... and Mark's gymtime doing multiple flips into foam pits... are all precious to my heart. Charity and Michele were two I often wondered why I never even had the complexity of having favorites... for all Michele's exuberance and outgoingness, Charity's deep deep serenity and calm demeanor brought a mysterious compatibility and synergy that left you wanting both as much in any instance... I am the happy one behind the camera to have caught them as half dried summer baked natural 10 year olds at the outdoor pool one day in June. That was the best picture I have ever taken - with no close second - though I have taken many of twin kids since... I immediately framed it and gave it to John and Lori... Lori exclaiming: "my twinkies" as sweetly as a mother songbird.
I will never forget you Michele. Your sweetness, eagerness, love of the lord, loyalty will always remain in my heart.
I lift up you Mark, Charity, Tim and Rachel... Lori and you my dear friend and brother in christ; John. Thank you for loving the lord so, and raising such wonderful angels - touching the world. I cannot imagine your grief, but I can share my strength and love and prayer.
Dear Witmer Family,

I was serving in Iraq the same time as your daughters. Although I never met Michelle, I was at her Memorial service. I worked for my Battalion Commander (LTC), as a part of his security team, and he wanted to honor your daughter and go to her service. Michelle's memorial was one of many I attended in Iraq. None of them are easy to go to, even when you didn't know the hero that gave their life for our country. Michelle's service was very moving.
I am sorry for your family's loss. I could tell that she was very loved and is missed by everyone she knew.

To Rachel and Charity: Thank you for continuing to serve our country after such a great loss. I am a female sergeant in the MP core and I understand how important it is to have strong female leaders in the Army.

Your family is in my thoughts and prayers. You are all heros to me.
Dear Witmers
You are in the hearts of so many, even now. We are all so touched by the sacrifice that your family has made. I saw a picture of your daughers, Michelle, Charity and Rachel on the Newsweek site this morning. Again I cried. I am the father of 4 wonderful young adults. I can't imagine your loss. Michelle was, obviously, a very special person from an incredibly special family.
All the best to your family. My thoughts are continually with you.
Mr. Witmer,

I heard about your families story on NPR and was drawn to your site. Your families courage comes through in everything that you have posted. I can only hope that my two young daughters (3 1/2 and 9 months) grow up to be half the woman that your daughters are.

May you find peace and solace in all of your memories and in the time that you spent together.


Brett Prilik
Denver, Colorado
Greetings and Hello,
I just wanted you to know that this is a very beautiful site in honor of a true friend and soldier. I was with Rachel and Michelle in Baghdad during the war. I was in the same battalion but assigned to the 233rd Military Police Company out of Springfield, Illinois. My name is Herbert (Sam) Woods II. I was a Master Sergeant and the night operations sergeant for the 233rd MP Company. We all share your loss. I think of Michelle and Rachel all the time. Please tell Rachel that she can contact me via email at herbert.woodsii@us.army.mil I have since retired from the military after having served 34.5 years and 2 wars. God bless all of you in the Witmer family.

MSG H. Sam Woods II
233rd MP Co. (Retired)
Dear Witmer Family,
I'm so sorry about your loss.Anyways I too decided to enlist in the Army National Guard,and ummm I'm 19 years old.Kinda happy that I'm not going to war.But anyways I know what is like to loose a child,I lost one before it was even born,even though was a baby and all.I would do the samething to do everything to the child to be remembered even though is the same situation as you,but nomatter if it is losing a child in a war or illness or accident,the point is to do anything to not be forgotten.May God bless you all,and bring joy and happiness to you all...
Hi Mr. Witmer. Its Kierra and Kaytlin We hope You are doing well
Dear Witmer Family

I am a student at West Chester University in Pennsylvania studying Political Science & International Relations. I recently got an assignment to do a presentation on women in the military. Your daughter, Michelle, gave me much inspiration and ended up being the center of my presentation. I am the same age as Michelle, but do not even have half the courage and bravery she posessed. I know you are proud of her. Remember her memories forever.

God Bless

Laverne Roos
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Dear John,Thinking of you and your family.It's Christmas day.A time to give thanks.I know your family grieves and your heart aches,may it give you some comfort to know you are not alone.God bless you and from one father of three girls to another I thank you and wish you peace today and every day.Jeff
To the Whitmer family: I can only try to imagine the flood of memories that this holiday season is bringing back to you. May you be sustained by the good memories of your beloved daughter. My family too suffered a loss when my Uncle's brother, Lt. Ervin Pure was killed in action on July 26th, 1950 during the Korean Conflict. We are bonded in the awful circumstance of war. I pray that the passage of time will be kind to you and that you can rest assured that our honored dead forever live on.
As an american citizen, one can't possibly immagine the sacrifice that a member of our armed forces endures on a daily basis. I was not allowed to enlist in the Marine Corps due to injuries recieved during high school football. I had Marine Corps jRotc in high school, and had more than one congressional sponser to achieve my dream of attending Annapolis. This is the war I was supposed to be in. I have no dreams of higher glory, I have the stories of my elders. There has been a member of my direct family in every single war in the history of The United States Of America. I know the facts of military life, the only glory indeed is the support to your fellow Soldier, Sailor, Marine,or Airman. The reason for service is not glory, it is for duty. The duty is for family, community and to our country. Everyone loves the blessings and freedom our country gives us, but shy away from harms way when that freedom calls for sacrifice. Your Daughter, or sister as the case may be, gave the ultimate sacrifice so the rest of us could be free. I understand this myself as I lost my only brother in Vietnam. My dad served in Korea as a Navy SeaBee and saw more than his share of combat. I came along late in life for my parents, in 1976. The sacrifice I spoke of earlier on is only matched by that of the family of the service member. This I also know and feel. I thank you for your personal gift, to all of us. That gift is the life of your beautiful daughter or sister. I can't possibly relieve any grief, nor will I try. I can only give you the thanks of myself, my family, and of course my country. Without people like your loved one, taking a pause in their own life to make a contribution, and sacrifice, freedom would be just a dream. Once again thank you all for your gift of your beautiful, very intelligent, and most of all giving loved one. May your dreams and memories be of the good times, not the bad. May your thoughts go to the positives of her life, and not the negative, violent way it ended. And most of all may God bless your entire family, especially her twin sister. and may God continue to bless our great nation, who tries to liberate the opressed to God's gift of freedom.


You have our permission and blessing to talk about Michelle in your briefing. Use any of the pictures you like.

Thanks, And May God Bless You.

John Witmer
Dear Witmer Family,

On December 26, 2003 I lost my mother to heart disease. Three weeks later, I was activated and sent to Kuwait International Airport to begin serving my year of Presidential activation. In April of 2004, I load-planned the 747 that carried Michelle on her final flight with her sisters. After completing the load-plan, I walked to the ramp area and helped load Michelle's sisters' bugout bags onto the aircraft while they waited to board the aircraft. I also participated in the ceremony on the aircraft loader immediately prior to Michelle's loading. My mother was a Marine Corporal and truck driver during the Korean War, and I know you are as proud of Michelle as I am of my mother. I wish you peace, and thank you for letting me share a memory I will retain forever.
We haven't forgotten. Thinking of you all today and each day...wishing you strength...
Dear John: I have visted your website from time to time for the past 2 years. Each time I've cried for you & your aloneness. I have never met you or your family but you & your family are in my thoughts & prayers. I loved your letter "from Michelle" just a month ago. It told me that you've turned that corner & are now moving forward & embracing your family again. I'm so glad. God bless you.
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As A Nam Marine Combat Vet (DMZ 67&68) I'm doing portraits of all those that die in this war "free" for their families. I would be proud to do one of Michelle, if you want. All I need is a clear photo and I'll do the rest. As of today I've done 322 portraits. You can get more info at fallenheroesproject.org. or email me at mikier@comcast.net. This is not a gimmick and non-political. These are all done with Love and Respect for your loss. Michael G. Reagan
I just watched Good Morning America and was so appreciative of what you all said about Memorial Day weekend. It's so easy to trivialize all our holidays. I wish our schools did a better job of educating our young people on what it means. Michelle gave the greatest gift (John 15:13, as did you. I am a veteran. I lost a few friends and neighbors in the Vietnam War. My Dad lost his first son in the Korean War. I pray that Michelle's sacrifice will not be in vain. May the Lord give all of you peace on this precious holiday.
Dear Witmer Family,

First of all, I would like to tell you that we are all sorry for your loss.
I would also like to tell you we are so proud of your Family, especially your Daughters.

I am a Vietnam Veteran, having served 2 tours in Vietnam.
I know the pain and suffering associated with war.
God Bless you and your Family
Witmer family,

I sincerely want to thank you for the sacrifice your daughter, Michelle made for my family and our great country. Memorial Day is profoundly different now for me. I am extremely saddened by your family's loss.

May God bless your family.

Virginia Wild, Missouri
Hi John and family!
I used to work for John at Relizon and seen his name here when I googled Relizon to get contact information and just wanted to say hi to everyone and God Bless you all!

Danielle Schultz
Just stumbled upon your site completely by accident- imagine, I was searching for pictures of puppies. Anyway, I have been deeply touched by your story, I can't believe the courage of your girls and I have gained a new respect for those fighting in the war, take care of each other, family is more important than anything.
I stumbled on your website while doing a search for something else. I remember hearing your story in 2004 and feeling a deep sadness for your family. My sister and I are also in the army national guard, so we understand the sacrifice and service of the witmer sisters.

I served in afghanistan in 2003 and my sister served in Irag in 2004 and most of 2005. I always knew how supportive and proud our parents were of us, but until my sister was away and I was home I never realized how deep a parent's concern and worry could be. Our mom had an especially hard time while we were away, so I can't imagine how it was to have three girls in Iraq at once.

My sister returned from Iraq in november of 2005 just in time to see our mom before she passed away. I find comfort in your family's comments and especially in charity's messages. We are having trouble knowing how to move on without her and charity described how I have been feeling as though it were my own words.

I was especially touched by your story when I heard of your loss, not only because both my sister and I serve but, because I rembered Rachel from basic training and MP school. I just wanted to thank your family for it's courage and words and let you know that you continue to be in my thoughts and prayers.

Sgt Jennifer Cummings
Dear Witmer Family, I cannot even begin to tell you how sorry I am that you have lost beautiful Michelle in such a way that you have, but let me say that I, as an American THANK-YOU for sharing your daugter with us all...She was protecting us ALL!! She will always be remembered as such a strong and brave young lady. My daughter was in the Marine's at the time of 9/11 working for the Commadant of the Marine's in the Pentagon that horrible morning, she was not harmed physically that day but the aftermath of what she witnessed, standing guard in the coutyard as they brought her friends and co-workers out was to much to bear. The terrible two hours it took for me to finally hear from her that she was safe where the worst two hours of my life. i can't even think or imagine what your family has gone and continues to go through. My heart goes out to all of the family. I'd like to also say to Mrs. Witmer that about 4 weeks ago I saw you coming into a building I was outside of and I talked with you for quite some time. I first need to tell you that talking with you was very dear to my heart. I had always followed your story from the time all three girls where leaving and back then how I felt how horrible to say good-bye to 3 girls at one time. I know how difficult it was for me to say good-bye to my daughter when she enlisted.You shared a beautiful picture of Michelle with me and we both shed a tears. Since then your family has really been on my mind and I keep you and the family in my prayers. Thank-you for sharing Michelle with meand thw whole Nation. I'm so sorry that Michelle had to make the ultimate sacrifice. All my prayer's always,
i regularly look at your site for updates on how you are all coping since michelle's death and it would be nice to see some up to date pictures different from the ones shone. thanks.maggie from england.
Hi Charity and everyone reading this. I really hope you get this because I can't seem to read the other messages. I hope you remember me, I only knew you when we were younger and buddies at Evergreen Community Church. My name is Angela Bird. I was very sorry to hear of your loss, and I give my condolences to your family. Sadly, that year I also lost a friend of mine which was also on the news, Krista Meyer and her two sisters. I just wanted to let you know that I immediately thought of how wonderful you guys were together and I remember Michelle very fondly for the short time that I knew her. I remember how difficult it was to tell you guys apart! You guys were very special twins, and I understand how hard it must be to be without her, Charity. I send my warmest regards and just wanted to remind you that even the people whose lives you touched long ago still think of you and your family.
Hi Charity and everyone reading this. I really hope you get this because I can't seem to read the other messages. I hope you remember me, I only knew you when we were younger and buddies at Evergreen Community Church. I was very sorry to hear of your loss, and I give my condolences to your family. Sadly, that year I also lost a friend of mine which was also on the news, Krista Meyer. I just wanted to let you know that I immediately thought of how wonderful you guys were together and I remember Michelle very fondly for the short time that I knew her. I remember how difficult it was to tell you guys apart! You guys were very special twins, and I understand how hard it must be to be without her, Charity. I send my warmest regards and just wanted to remind you that even the people whose lives you touched long ago still remember you both.
As a 48 Zulu or military journalist I had occasion to meet members of her unit and the medical company in Baghdad a few months after her death. I have never forgotten her death as the first female KIA in Guard History. Although I am not from this state I will never forget her sacrifice
As I fllled Halloween treat bags and packed them into boxes to send to troops in Iraq I thought of Michelle. As I sew bags to fill with Christmas gifts for troops in Iraq I think of Michelle. As I read of the forgiveness in the hearts of the Amish community who have lost their cherished daughters and request for Random Acts of Kindness from the family of Emily Keyes who died at the hands of a gunman in Colorado I think of Michelle and I know in my heart it is within our grasp to make this world a better place.
Dear Mr. Witmer,

I have frequently thought of your family and your daughter because it hit very close to home--my (maiden) name was Michele Witmer for 26 years and my dad's name is John Witmer. When I heard the news of your daughter it truly hit home about the cost of war and the sacrifices some people are brave enough to risk. I do not pretend I can feel your loss; I am a parent myself now and cannot let myself imagine it. My sincere condolences.
Hello Witmer family. You probably don't remember me, but my name is Rachel Hively and I went to elementary school with both Charity and Michelle at Chaska Elementary in Chaska, MN. My brother also competed in regional gymnastics and I would occasionally see the girls at gymnastics meets up until roughly 8th grade. I just wanted you to know how sorry I am about Michelle and let you know the short amount of time I got to spend with her left an impact on my life. She was the girl with the infectious laugh and constant smile on her face. She will be sorely missed. Your girls have more courage than I could ever dream to have, I want to say thank you to them for protecting our country and my and my family's right to freedom. Thank you. Your family has been in my prayers since I heard about Michelle and they will continue to stay there. God Bless,

Rachel Hively
Chaska, MN
Dear the Witmer Family,
I have learned about Michelle, Rachel and the Witmer Family just yesterday when they showed the story of fallen soldiers including Michelle on TV, I was truly struck and at the same time inspired by the resolve and the strenght of the family together as you coped with the loss, I was also touched by your comments on dealing with the "pain". I am a veterinarian and I do my best to find and relieve the pain of my patient horses, but I am not sure I could ever come to grasp neither feel your pain if I am not in your position. It is truly strenght and resolve to be able to raise two beautiful daughters carrying the ultimate and nobel ideals to make a National Guard out of their career and potential. Looking at the pictures of Michelle with the kids in Irak has truly maintained the image of the finest and most compassionate soldiers on the planet in my mind, kids looked up to Michelle and saw hope, infectious kindness and skills. It is truly strenght and resolve on the part of your daughters to go to that part of the world and help make the life of kids even lightly comparable to the life they were able to cherish in New Berlin, Wisconsin. I am truly sorry for the loss. My heart and prayers go to Michelle and the Witmer faminly.
Dear Witmer family,

I hope this is the right place to ask this question. If not please don't post it. I assume you have a moderator.

My name is Bill Massolia and I am the Artistic Director of the Griffin Theatre Company in Chicago and I have question a for you and the family. We are currently in the process of producing a play in Chicago co-produced with the City in January which is a dramatic presentation of Letters from American Soldiers in Iraq. We have been given the permission to use letters from Frank Shaeffer's Book VOICES FROM THE FRONT. I would love to be able to use some of Michelle's letters in the production. I saw the HBO documentary and was so moved by it that it inspired this project. I felt this work would be a wonderful tribute to all the soldiers who have fought there and are still fighting there. The project is tied in to the City and their educational programs and we hope to also have the Pritzker Military Museum involved. Is this something you might allow? My email is bill.massolia@rcn.com. Thank you very much for your time and I hope that the upcoming holidays find you safe and well.

Bill Massolia
Aritistic Director
Griffin Theatre Company
Dear Witmer family,

I hope this is the right place to ask this question. If not please don't post it. I assume you have a moderator.

My name is Bill Massolia and I am the Artistic Director of the Griffin Theatre Company in Chicago and I have question a for you and the family. We are currently in the process of producing a play in Chicago co-produced with the City in January which is a dramatic presentation of Letters from American Soldiers in Iraq. We have been given the permission to use letters from Frank Shaeffer's Book VOICES FROM THE FRONT. I would love to be able to use some of Michelle's letters in the production. I saw the HBO documentary and was so moved by it that it inspired this project. I felt this work would be a wonderful tribute to all the soldiers who have fought there and are still fighting there. The project is tied in to the City and their educational programs and we hope to also have the Pritzker Military Museum involved. Is this something you might allow? My email is bill.massolia@rcn.com. Thank you very much for your time and I hope that the upcoming holidays find you safe and well.

Bill Massolia
Aritistic Director
Griffin Theatre Company
Dear Mr.Witmer-
This letter has been a long time in the writing. I met your girls a year ago, a few days after they returned home. At the time I too was returning from Iraq. Not knowing their circumstances for returning, I asked them how transition back to being a civilian was going (they were both in uniform at the mall, so it was clear they had just returned) . As they told me about Michelle my heart ached for your family and the 32nd MP family. I can't even begin to imagine your pain.

I have Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, and have struggled with the transition myself. The past year has brought many sleepless nights my way. Worse than the nights I lie awake, are the days that bring thousands of unwanted thoughts my way. I have begun to speak out on soldier and veteran issues, especially on topics that deal with women. There have been many times I have wanted to throw in the towel for good, and that’s when I think of Michelle and your family. When I look at the Witmers, I see my family. There is no good way to explain why this is, so I will not try. Thank you for being so open with your struggles, you have saved my life (and I will leave it at that)

June 14, 2005 10:26 PM
Dear Mr. Witmer-
I wrote the above a little more than a year and a half ago. Though much time has past many things still remain the same. Not long ago I found myself on the sandy beaches at Arlington West, a tribute for the many fallen soldiers of this war. At the time nearly 2500 crosses stretched across the beach front. Solemnly I walked along and praying for Michelle and your Family, and when I looked up I saw the cross with her name & picture on it. Out of all those crosses and all those names I saw Michelle’s. I couldn't help but break down. Another veteran came and wrapped his around me, and we stood there in the sea of crosses mourning the loss of our comrades. We didn't speak. There were no words to say, just silence interpreted by sniffles and sobs. My prayer for you is that on those days when you need to mourn that you too have someone to stand in the silence with.
Take care-
Another Wisconsin Soldier
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(Please feel free to delete this post if you don't want it on your blog. Thanks for the informative blog and opportunity to post.)
I think of you all again today, as with the last 2 Easter Sundays... Wishing you peace and strength as we also remember the members of the 724th Trans, whose convoy was hit on April 9, 2004 outside Abu Gharib, a few hours after we heard of Michelle's death.

-Dawn Nehls
Mr. Witmer / Witmer family,
I'm sorry for you're loss on this day... I know it's still hard after 3 years as I've had experience with this too. I just hope you're family is doing well and getting through this day by day... I'm 38 year old male from San Jose, Ca. and I find myself coming to this site and checking to see how your family's doing. I've always wanted to leave a message but did not have the words... I don't think there will ever be the rite words... Once again I’m truly sorry. I never knew Michelle, but I can tell she was a special person…
I hope all is well with your family Mr Witmer. Take Care
- Dean Jenco
I was with Michelle in Iraq. I was not a best friend but I did have conversations with her on occassion. She was always very nice. We spoke more before we left than while we were deployed. I also knew Rachael, and met Charity during her brief visit with us. Though I wasn't her best friend and I didn't know her as well as most I want you all to know. On April 9th every year she is remembered by my wife and I. Best wishes and my prayers to your family. I will remember her on this day always.
Just wanted to assure you that time has passed but the memory will last. Godspeed...Rick
Hello John
Just wanted you to know that I visited your part of the world recently - and often my thoughts were of Michelle and the Witmer family whilst I was there. I live in New Zealand and travelled to Madison for work for a week in April. I was really excited about getting to visit the homecity where you guys live and it was real pretty. New Zealand is described as beautiful, and it is, but Madison was a delightful city. Especially the University of Wisconsin set on the banks of the lake, with its unique architecture and sprawling campus. The people were real friendly too. Anyway I didn't get to New Berlin but I did feel close to you guys albeit you were still a few miles away.
Maybe on my return visit, I hope there is one, I can get up to New Berlin to see some of the memorials in honour of Michelle.
Take care John and good luck with the book - I'm looking foward to reading it - Paul

PS Is the Family website closed?
John & Lori -
It was nice to run into you last evening at Jazz in the Park.

I hadn't seen Lori or yourself in many years prior and never made the connection relating to the loss of your daughter Michelle. I was taken aback when Lori mentioned her sacrifice to our country.

It was only after our conversation that I needed to follow-up on the internet and ran across your family web-site. Your family is in my thoughts and prayers.

Hopefully, we will run across each other again. I wish you and your extended family the best.

Ken Schmidt
Mr. Witmer,

Good Afternoon, You do not know me, but I served with Michelle in Iraq. I was part of the 233rd Mp Co from Illinois. I had the priveledge of getting to know your daughter briefly during my tour. I was very hurt when I was informed of her passing. I just wanted to let you know that she was such a wonderful person, and I know that you know that, but from the second I met her I knew she had a honest and loving personality. I am just thankful to the Lord that I had the priviledge of knowing her, even for a brief time. God Bless all of you!

Jake Baucom
My oldest son is a member of the 32nd MP company, and was sent off to basic training 3 days before the rest of the until was sent to Ft. McCoy to prepare for their mission.
When I first heard of the tragic death of your wonderful daughter I immediately called my son, who informed me that Michelle was not only a member of his unit, but a friend. He told me that he would be attending her memorial service, and that was when I realized that he had become a man.
It's now 4 years later, and my son has now become a sgt. He has attended every memorial event for Michelle.
I don't think I could carry on as well as you and your family have, and they way that you have all gone on with your lives is a true tribute to Michelle.
I think about Michelle often, and tell everyone that I know here in GA about her, for she is one of the true American Heros.
My son is getting ready to go to Egypt next month, and his younger brother is deployint to Iraq in March. I only hope that I can have a small amount of the courage that your family has shown. Your family will be my guiding light through the upcoming missions of my sons. I can only hope that their service to this country can be has honorable as Michelle's, and her sisters.
My prayers are with your family always. Thank you for showing me how to be the best mother of a soldier that I can be.
Hello Witmer family. My name is ShaReda and I went through Basic training and AIT with Charity. Can one of you tell her I said hello and give her a hug for me. Thank You. God Bless Your Family!
Congratulations on finishing "Letters to Madison". Although the posts to this blog appear to have diminished, please do not mistake the world's inevitable turning as a turn in the belief of many, that Michelle put a name, a face and a meaning to this war, for which many have died. The courage of Michelle always rises to the surface when we hear the latest sad news covering the elevation of the many lost and wounded in Iraq.
Dear John and family, I am so sorry for your loss. Your daughter gave the ultimate sacrifice.
I have 5 brothers who served and thank God they returned home safe.
Do you have any distant realtives in Pa? My maiden name is Witmer. Mary
Greetings John & Lori,

Words cant explain how much i feel about the loss of your daughter Michelle. Only that i can say that im sure she's in a better place with God and always with you. You might think its crazy but i know never knew your daughter but after seeing your lost on tv. i have feelings i cant explain. i read up on her and what she believed in with this war and the differance she made in serving her country. i admire her for that aswell as all the troops. they're heroes to the core. i wished i was healthy enough to be out there and do my part to serve my country. if theres anything i can do, please dont hesitate to ask. and if its not much to ask, could i recieve a picture of michelle? God bless michelle, aswell as her family. again, im sorry.
It is Veterans Day 2008 and I just finished watching Last Letters Home. Your daughter stuck out to me because she is my age. I am very sorry for your loss. I have a beautiful 6 year old daughter and I couldn't imagine spending my life without her. You are a stronger person than I will ever be. Just remember that your daughter will never be forgotten and I Have put a memorial for her in my front yard for her. I lost someone very close to me a year ago my uncle Sammy he was very special to me. It took me a long time to stop crying and to this day I can be going down the road and see something that reminds me of him and I burst into tears but I think of it as not forgetting him instead of being sad about it. your daughter will never be forgotten and she will touch lives of unknown people forever. That is a blessing that she will be remembered like that.
Hi my name is Summer Starnes and I live in Kannapolis,NC. Today is November 11,2008. I wrote the comment that satrts out with it is Veterans day. I just wanted to let you know that I am going to put up a memorial for your daughter in my front yard. So everyone can knpw who Michelle was. I hope that your family are doing alright. I read that your other two daughters were in the service and I pray that they are watched over if they are still there. I am not sure if they are. I am going to leave my e-mail address and if any of you need to talk feel free to write me anytime. I am 24 years old and I am a mother and wife and a sister. So I can relate in those terms. I hope that it has gotten easier for you to go on with your life. Like I said yuor Michelle will never be forgotten and she is still changing peoples lives to this day.
My e-mail address is summerstarnes@ymail.com. Please don't hesitate to write me for anything you need to.
Dear John, Lori, Charity Timmy, and Mark,

I watched the letters from home special on HBO the other day with tears streaming down my face. I want you all to know that Michelle gave her life for my freedom and there is not a day that goes by that I do not think of her and say a prayer for you and your family. Her sacrifice will not be forgotten.

My son has been in Iraq twice and just returned home. I know the worry... All of you have been through so much and yet you have channeled that into so many worthwhile endeavors in Michelle's name. I will never understand what you are still going through but I still think of your sacrifice every day as well. You are not alone. There are positive thoughts and prayers that go out to you each day and Michelle will remain a comstant reminder of what she has given for our country.

Deirdre Waterman
Leominster, Massachusetts





i live in england and you guys don't know me but i still remember watching the news of michelle's death on sky news. it's great that charity and the rest of the family have been able to move on however hard it has been. i was pleased to hear of madison's birth. i bet michelle would be proud. i'm still thinking if the family and so are a lot of other british people over here.i was so happy to hear that the troops will be pulling out of afganistan soon. i have a copy of the book last letters home and i will buy a copy of johh witmers book when it is published. still thinkins of your family. take care....maggie
Hi Mr.Witmer,
My name is James Blackburn, I'm a
artist. I was commissioned to do portrait of Michelle. I need better
photo's than the ones I have can you help me? My e-mail is blackburndesign@earthlink.net

Please subject the email Michelle photos.
Thank you
Mr. Witmer,
I just heard your interview on NPR, and rushed to the library to reserve your book. Thank you for sharing your story, and thank you for having created such brave daughters. I look forward to reading your book on your blog as well as at the library. A "fellow" Wisconsinite, Barbara Arnold, Eau Claire, WI
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